Een groter gebeuren

The music in Een Groter Gebeuren (A bigger happening) is a thrilling mix of Americana, contemporary and electronic music and swampy jazz. Great line-up! Even though it’s a Dutch spoken story it’s worth visiting the concert.

Corrie van Binsbergen has been organizing special concerts with her unique and original combination of literature and music. Writers recite from their work while a musical scenario is simultaneously performed by a special group of musicians assembled by Van Binsbergen. The music and literature work together as a movie for the ears.

Auke Hulst storyteller, voice and acoustic guitar Corrie van Binsbergen guitar Hermine Deurloo chromatic harmonica, soprano saxophone Joost van Es violin, mandolin Joost Buis trombone, lapsteel Albert van Veenendaal (prepared) piano Hein Offermans double bass Yonga Sun drums and electronics Martijn Grootendorst live video

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