
    Stichting Brokken
    De Wittenstraat 100 E
    1052 BA Amsterdam
    The Netherlands

    Corrie van Binsbergen – director

    The board of Stichting Brokken:
    Hans Kamps – president
    Nicolien Luttels – treasurer
    Bas Kwakman – secretary

    Stichting Brokken has received financial support from Fonds Podiumkunsten (Performing Arts Fund NL) from 2005 until 2021.

    The tax authorities of The Netherlands designated Stichting Brokken a Cultural Public Benefit Organization (Culturele ANBI).

    Number Chamber of Commerce: 41216034
    VAT Number: NL 80 491 7772B01
    IBAN: NL23INGB0003083236

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